We sustain partnerships with hundreds of Fire Departments and Emergency Service providers in the Northeast, supplying them with the highest-quality, safest products from our vendors. Explore our most popular vendors and products here.
SSD is on the NYS OGS HIRE Contract. The Hazardous Incident Response Equipment (HIRE) contract provides Authorized users with the lowest price opportunities and free shipping. The purpose of the Hazardous Incident Response Equipment (HIRE) contract is to provide Authorized Users, including other participating states, with a means of acquiring various types of Hazardous Incident Response Equipment as per, but not limited to, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Authorized Equipment List (AEL) Prevention Program (LETPP) funding.
MA Statewide Contract
SSD is on the Massachusetts Statewide Contract for Public Safety Equipment and Two-Way Radio supplies and services. The contract covers a broad array of public safety equipment, parts & services available through various authorized dealers of listed manufacturers. Competitive Pricing – The Strategic Sourcing Services Team (SST) has awarded the contract to those Contractors who provided the most competitive discounts for the manufacturers being offered.